Experience with family poultry |
1983 -1986 Mozambique |
In Mozambique I had my first experience with family poultry. I learned that hybrid hens lay well on free range, even when you give them a small amount of feed (50-80 grams layers mash per day). Look at:
1987 - 1991 Zambia |
During this period I experimented a lot with Nera in the back yard, on free range. Here I discovered that egg production with maize only was the most economical. This was published in an article in the World Animal Review. Link .
Nera pullets were raised with kerosene lamps or with the heath of coal from firewood.
1991The Netherlands |
I raised 26.000 Leghorn pullets in the Netherlands. In cages. |
1992 -1996 Nicaragua |
During this period a lot of data was collected from local hens in the back yard. These were published in ILEIA. Link . Look also at Link and Link . Rhode Island Red chicks were raised and sold to the public.
1997 -1998 Bhután |
A chapter for a pullet distribution programme was written, as part of the project proposal for SEZAP (Second Eastern Zone Agricultural Project) that had to be executed in Eastern Bhután.
2000 Montreal |
On the congress of the WPSA (World Poultry Science Association) in Montreal I presented a poster with the subject of the wrong mindset, used in programmes of pullet distribution. To view click on Link
2000 - 2008
The Netherlands
I produced organic eggs on my farm. I gained experience with a type of pastured poultry, and with cafeteria feeding.
2002 Buthán
2002 Bremen
During a visit to Bhutan I had the possibility to evaluate a layer distribution programme. The above mentioned wrong mindset was encountered. Look at Link The document was distributed on the congress of the WPSA in Bremen. At the same congress a presentation was held about the perspectives of family poultry Link .
2002 Cuba |
On the XVII Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de la Avicultura, the same presentation on the perspectives of family poultry, this time in Spanish, was held.
2003 Bolivia |
On the XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Avicultura a deliberation was held how the feeding of layers kept in the back yard, and on free range, could be optimised. See
2010 Rome |
I contributed in a course for 6 scientists, who were going to work with family poultry. The discussion hampered, because of a lack of practical background. |
2011 Serbia |
I shared knowledge with two producers on free range egg production. Apart of that I recommended to experiment with pastured poultry |
2012 Tanzania |
I shared ideas with an entrepreneur on organic egg production, and advised to produce local bush poultry meat and how to incorporate the family sector. |
2012 Kenia |
I shared experience with an ONG on the marketing and the branding of local eggs and poultry meat. |